Tax Calculator

Calculate your Taxes is a simple resource to calculate how much tax you’ll have to pay this year or how much tax refund you will receive.

If your PAYG tax withholding is different

We use concept adopted by ATO Tax Withheld Calculator website that means we use exact tax formulas provided by Australian Taxation Office to calculate your taxes. Employers usually use ATO tax tables to calculate your withholding which are not accurate. If you paying more - the difference is a tax refund you'll receive (providing it's the only income you have).

Why use

It’s great to get an estimate of your tax refund before your tax return so you can plan how you’re going spend it (book a holiday now and pay with your tax refund, for example). Once you’ve calculated a quick estimate, just get your tax return done ASAP and enjoy.

Also, if you have tax to pay, getting an estimate can help you budget for it (not such a nasty surprise). can also be used to help you do some low level tax planning. By simply changing your taxable income you can see the difference additional tax deductions will make to your tax refund or tax bill. You could prepay some work or investment related expenses prior to 30 June and use to see how much tax you’ll save.

Want a bigger tax refund with less hassle?

Using a professional tax accountant will save you time, tax and tedium! Get solid tax advice and don’t rely on friends of friends or Google to give you the whole picture. A little bit of knowledge is a dangerous thing.

Want extra time to lodge your return?

If you have tax to pay, using a professional tax accountant will allow you to pay your tax bill much later than if you were to prepare your tax return yourself. If you don’t use a professional tax accountant you individual tax return will be due 31 Oct. If you do use a professional tax accountant your return can potential be deferred up until 15 May of the following year.

Are you starting a business or purchasing a new investment (property or shares etc)?

Starting a new business or investment is a big step, talking to a professional accountant prior to starting can save you thousands of dollars in tax down the track and help you to maximise and protect your wealth.


Please note income tax law in Australia is very complex and is constantly being changed and updated. This calculator is for informational purposes only and should not be taken as tax advice. This calculator does not take into account your own individual circumstances. Don’t use to prepare your tax return and please consult your tax accountant prior to making any tax related decisions.